Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think Series

Up-Close with Chin Teik: 95:5 Rule

Chin Teik Season 2 Episode 8

Up-Close with Chin Teik: 95:5 Rule

4 Questions to begin this episode

1.     How many of you believe that you have control over your life? 100%?

2.     Who has authority over your mind?

3.     What has the Covid-19 taught you about yourself? 

4.     How have you and your colleagues dealt with or responded to Covid-19 over the 2 plus years?

Listen to this episode to learn what is the 95:5 Rule and how to operationalize the 95% of no-control and 5% of-control.  

  • Let Go of 95% of no-control
  • ReFrame 5% of-control