Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think Series

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Simple is Harder to Do than Complicated

Chin Teik Season 1 Episode 3

Up-Close with Chin Teik: Simple is Harder to Do than Complicated

 Humans complicate the complexity. We complicate the complexity of nature, organization, relationships and work. #Pause to choose the right #language for self and others. #Re-think how we approach complexity and not to complicate structure, relationship and work and even nature.
Simple is not easy, Simple is hard. Simple is mastery.

Easy is Complicated:

  • We speak without thinking which complicates relationships
  • We develop power point slides to make it easy for us but hard for the listeners
  • We list tasks not prioritized outcomes which makes it harder for the staff to execute
  • We say yes to all great ideas which makes it harder for the staff to focus against finite time 
  • We don’t pause to write down our thoughts which makes it harder for staff to understand us


  • Mastery requires hard work 
  • Mastery requires disciplined practice 
  • Mastery requires awareness of self and others 
  • Mastery is simplicity

Simplicity is mastery.