Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think Series

Up-Close with Chin Teik: #Knowing-#Being-#Doing

Chin Teik Season 1 Episode 6

Up-Close with Chin Teik: #Knowing-#Being-#Doing
1.     How many of us know but don’t do?

2.     How many of us do without knowing why?

3.     How many of us do without believing?

4.     How many of us believe in what we are doing, knowingly?

Knowing is not enough, Try/Experiment. Willing is not enough, Do. Doing is not enough, believe.

Wisdom is not just about knowing about something but living it out. I call it applied knowledge – the ability to use knowledge to discern and to question current state and to ask “why not?”. To unpack the three words, just think of these word associations. Knowing is head, Being is heart, Doing is hand.

Hearing and actual doing is a human problem. Space in between hearing and doing is occupied by our current paradigms, our pride & our fear. Unless we are able to shift or remove those blocks, we cannot do 100% of what we hear consistently and repeatedly.  

We are called to use our head, heart and hands when we engage with truth and people. Truth can be principles around faith and life and leadership with self, others and organizations.