Up-Close with Chin Teik: Re-Think Series

Up-Close with Chin Teik: To Empower or To Delegate, That's The Question

Chin Teik Season 1 Episode 9

Up-Close with Chin Teik: To Empower Or To Delegate, That's The Question
: What does empowerment mean to you? When you say the word to your staff, do both of you know what it entails in terms of behavior and scope? Have you personally experienced true empowerment? When and from whom did you learn empowerment?

Language: "Empowerment" as a word is a feel-good for the manager and for the employee (who desires empowerment). For the employee who is new and lack of capability or competency, the word can be scary. When I hear managers use the word “empowerment”, I get really worried. Reason is that the word, “empowerment” is a blur word because it means different things to different people – paradigm-centric. 

Paradigms: I grew up with the word "delegate".  Which paradigm is yours when it comes to delegate or empower? 

  1. Abdicate or
  2. Equip

4  Words, 3 Rules & 3  Supportive Steps: Listen to my podcast as I share my 4 words, 3 rules & 3 steps for effective delegation. Hope this will #pause will allow you to unpack the #language into specific repeatable behaviors/actions for predictable results.